Steps of PCR and Essential Components

KODDNAPolymeraseisahighfidelitythermostableDNApolymerasethatexhibits3'→5'exonuclease(proofreading)activityandresultsinalowerPCRmutation ...,評分5.0(1)Package:200U(1.0U/µl)○第三代KOD-Plus-產品升級版○最高Fidelity、效率最強KODDNApolymerase○正確率為T...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[PDF] KOD DNA Polymerase

KOD DNA Polymerase is a high fidelity thermostable DNA polymerase that exhibits 3'→ 5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity and results in a lower PCR mutation ...

KOD -Plus- Neo

評分 5.0 (1) Package: 200U (1.0U/µl) ○ 第三代KOD -Plus- 產品升級版 ○ 最高Fidelity、效率最強KOD DNA polymerase ○ 正確率為Taq 的82 倍 ○ 高耐熱性、可以克服達70% GC template

KOD DNA Polymerase | 71085

KOD is a high fidelity thermostable DNA polymerase that amplifies target DNA up to 6 kbp with superior accuracy and yield for PCR applications (Takagi 1997).

Novagen® KOD Polymerase PCR Systems

KOD DNA polymerase is an ultra high-fidelity, thermostable DNA polymerase that provides low mutation frequency, fast extension rate, and high processivity ...

KOD -Plus- 系列

KOD 是目前已知聚合速率最高的 PCR 酵素,在最短的時間內,可以得到最多的產量。 l 超級耐熱性 經過 100℃、1 ...

Advantages of thermococcus kodakaraenis (KOD) DNA Polymerase ...

KOD DNA polymerase demonstrated a 2- to 3-fold increase in PCR product formation compared to Pfu or Taq, respectively, and generated blunt-ended PCR product ...

KOD DNA Polymerase - Sigma

一般說明 ... KOD is a high fidelity thermostable DNA polymerase that amplifies target DNA up to 6 kbp with superior accuracy and yield for PCR applications[2].

Research Reagents TOYOBO

High Fidelity & Efficient PCR Enzyme :KOD DNA polymerase · High Speed & Efficient PCR Enzyme · Highly Functional PCR enzyme · Antibodies for Hot Start PCR. 02. Thermostable t7 rna polymerase · cDNA Synthesis Kits · Real-time PCR ·

KOD -Plus

The enzyme solution of KOD -Plus- contains two types of anti-KOD DNA polymerase antibodies that inhibit polymerase and 3'→5' exonuclease activity, thus allowing ...


KODDNAPolymeraseisahighfidelitythermostableDNApolymerasethatexhibits3'→5'exonuclease(proofreading)activityandresultsinalowerPCRmutation ...,評分5.0(1)Package:200U(1.0U/µl)○第三代KOD-Plus-產品升級版○最高Fidelity、效率最強KODDNApolymerase○正確率為Taq的82倍○高耐熱性、可以克服達70%GCtemplate,KODisahighfidelitythermostableDNApolymerasethatamplifiestargetDNAupto6kbpwithsuperioraccuracyandyieldforPCR...